Hosting cars-api Flask app using Docker

This blog talks about hosting cars-api Flask app using Docker. Docker is a set of platform as a service to deliver software as packages, called Docker containers. These are the standalone, lightweight, executable packages that could include necessary packages to run an application. Docker Images would turn to containers when they run on the Docker Engine. In the below steps, […]

Deploying a web application using Kubernetes

This post outlines the steps I followed in deploying a website in Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a platform for automating deployment, scaling and management of our application across a cluster of hosts. It works with a different range of container tools and the one we will be using here is the popular Docker. I have divided the process into 3 main […]

Integrating Tox with CircleCI

Tox is a generic virtual environment management and test command-line tool used to run your tests in different environments and with different Python versions. This blog guides you in the implementation of Tox with CircleCI. I will be integrating Tox in CircleCI for our qxf2-page-object-model framework. I have divided the integration process into two main sections: Editing the config.yml file […]

Building your own docker images for different browser versions

When any application is deployed the software needs to be tested across multiple platforms and different versions of browsers. It’s tough to maintain environments with different versions of browsers. One approach is to use cloud solutions like Sauce Labs or BrowserStack which provides multi-version-browser support. But in case if you want to build your own environment which is easy to […]

Getting started with Wallaroo

We used to think writing (near) real-time applications that process multiple data streams was for the high IQ crowd and well-funded teams. This belief was probably strengthened by the fact that we (at Qxf2) love Python … and our favorite language lacked good complex event processors, stream processors. So we were excited to discover Wallaroo has set out to fill […]

Getting started with Kubernetes

Recently, I started my first experiments with Kubernetes, Google’s open-source orchestration platform for Linux Containers. As containers have become more important to businesses, it has become necessary to create a system that would allow containers to scale out to meet the needs of enterprise-level deployments. That’s where Kubernetes comes into play. Unlike Docker, Kubernetes is a very robust ecosystem for […]

How to get your code inside a Docker Container

When you start learning about Docker, you will definitely wonder about how to get your code within the Docker container. This blog will guide you about the different ways to get your code inside the Docker container and which method you need to select according to your role/situation. Methods to get your code inside Docker container: Using COPY or ADD command […]