Arduino project – Remote based toll gate and automatic parking indicator system

This post details about building a wireless toll gate and an automatic parking indicator system using Arduino. It will help anyone (including a beginner) who is interested to try their hands-on building and testing an Arduino project using IR remote / receiver, Ultrasonic sensor and servo motor. Project brief The idea is, When a vehicle approaches the toll gate, a […]

Deploying a web application using Kubernetes

This post outlines the steps I followed in deploying a website in Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a platform for automating deployment, scaling and management of our application across a cluster of hosts. It works with a different range of container tools and the one we will be using here is the popular Docker. I have divided the process into 3 main […]

Sparse Checkout using Jenkins

I was recently working on a project where I required only a particular folder inside a bitbucket repository to be cloned and tracked on the server. This was when I stumbled upon the sparse checkout feature that Jenkins offered. I decided to write this short post so that it might help you in case you have a similar requirement as […]

Pytest, argparse.ArgumentError and the -V: conflicting option

The CI tests for our open sourced framework suddenly started failing with: argparse.ArgumentError: argument -V/–ver: conflicting option string: -V. Pytest was clearly telling us that the -V option was being used elsewhere. But it was not clear about where the ‘used elsewhere’ was located. Further, while we knew what the error meant but could not understand why the error would […]