Add Google Sign-In to your Flask app

Recently, I integrated SSO with Google Sign-In into a web application using the oauthlib library. While working on this project, I found plenty of resources on SSO and oauthlib separately, but struggled to find a tutorial that could guide me through the setup of Google Sign-In using oauthlib in a timely manner. Therefore, I’ve written this post to provide a […]

Skype sender as a web service

I used the fantastic Python module Skpy to setup a ‘Skype sender’ as a web service. I did this work because I wanted to make it as easy to programmatically post to a Skype channel as it is to programmatically post to a Slack channel. If you know your channel id and have an API key, then posting a message […]

Hosting cars-api Flask app using Docker

This blog talks about hosting cars-api Flask app using Docker. Docker is a set of platform as a service to deliver software as packages, called Docker containers. These are the standalone, lightweight, executable packages that could include necessary packages to run an application. Docker Images would turn to containers when they run on the Docker Engine. In the below steps, […]

Bad gateway error for a Flask app deployed using Elastic Beanstalk

This is a super short post that outlines one specific solution for anyone trying to deploy a simple Flask application using AWS Elastic Beanstalk and hitting a bad gateway error. Solution The Internet has some good stuff on helping you if you made a mistake elsewhere, but I did not find this basic check being mentioned anywhere. Make sure that […]

Sending Email through Amazon SES with Flask App

This post is about sending automated Emails with Amazon Simple Email Service(SES). We wanted to explore Amazon SES and hence implemented a sample Flask app to send an automated email. What is Amazon SES? Email is the heartline of any business these days. So sending an automated email,is an important part of business, whether it is the response to a […]