Add Google Sign-In to your Flask app

Recently, I integrated SSO with Google Sign-In into a web application using the oauthlib library. While working on this project, I found plenty of resources on SSO and oauthlib separately, but struggled to find a tutorial that could guide me through the setup of Google Sign-In using oauthlib in a timely manner. Therefore, I’ve written this post to provide a quick guide for those who want to implement the Authorization Code flow for Google Sign-In in Flask applications.

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Please note that this post assumes a certain level of familiarity with the topic at hand. While I won’t be providing an introduction to the basics, I trust that those who are already knowledgeable in this area will find the content useful:

After completing this tutorial, it will be possible for you to integrate a Google sign-in page into your application. The resulting workflow would resemble the following gif
Google Sign-In to your app workflow

Implement Google sign-in:

To follow the steps in this section, you’ll need to have already generated a CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and redirect_uri, and have decided on the resource (in our case, email) that you’ll be requesting for your application. Once you have these details, implementing Google Sign-In in a Flask app is just a matter of two simple steps:

  1. Generate a Google Sign-In URI, route the users to this Sign-In page from your landing page
  2. Redirect the user to a success page after they have successfully logged in using their Google credentials
1. Generate a Google Sign-In URI, route the users to this Sign-In page from your landing page

Create a landing page like the above image with Google Sign-In URI using oauthlib, this login page will prompt the users to enter their Google username and password.

CLIENT_ID = os.environ['CLIENT_ID']
DATA = {
        'response_type':"code", # this tells the auth server that we are invoking authorization workflow
        'redirect_uri':"https://localhost:5000/home", # redirect URI
        'scope': '', # resource we are trying to access through Google API
        'client_id':CLIENT_ID, # client ID from
        'prompt':'consent'} # adds a consent screen
        'google_oauth' : '', # Google OAuth URI
        'token_gen' : '', # URI to generate token to access Google API
        'get_user_info' : '' # URI to get the user info
# Create a Sign in URI
CLIENT = oauth2.WebApplicationClient(CLIENT_ID)
REQ_URI = CLIENT.prepare_request_uri(

Lets create a Flask view function to land the users on the Sign-In page

def login():
    # redirect to the newly created Sign-In URI
    return redirect(REQ_URI)
2. Redirect to success page after successfully logging in using Google credentials

Lets create a home route function that implements a page like the above image that redirects to redirect_uri set when generating CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET

def home():
    "Redirect after Google login & consent"
    # Get the code after authenticating from the URL
    code = request.args.get('code')
    # Generate URL to generate token
    token_url, headers, body = CLIENT.prepare_token_request(
            # request.base_url is same as DATA['redirect_uri']
    # Generate token to access Google API
    token_response =
            auth=(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET))
    # Parse the token response
    # Add token to the  Google endpoint to get the user info
    # oauthlib uses the token parsed in the previous step
    uri, headers, body = CLIENT.add_token(URL_DICT['get_user_info'])
    # Get the user info
    response_user_info = requests.get(uri, headers=headers, data=body)
    info = response_user_info.json()
    return redirect('/user/%s' % info['email'])

Lets create a login_success function to redirect the user to a dynamic page with the user’s email

def login_success(email):
    "Landing page after successful login"
    return "Hello %s" % email
Putting it all together
#!/usr/bin/env python3
A Flask app for Google SSO
import json
import os
import requests
from flask import Flask, redirect, request
from  oauthlib import oauth2
CLIENT_ID = os.environ['CLIENT_ID']
DATA = {
        'response_type':"code", # this tells the auth server that we are invoking authorization workflow
        'redirect_uri':"https://localhost:5000/home", # redirect URI
        'scope': '', # resource we are trying to access through Google API
        'client_id':CLIENT_ID, # client ID from
        'prompt':'consent'} # adds a consent screen
        'google_oauth' : '', # Google OAuth URI
        'token_gen' : '', # URI to generate token to access Google API
        'get_user_info' : '' # URI to get the user info
# Create a Sign in URI
CLIENT = oauth2.WebApplicationClient(CLIENT_ID)
REQ_URI = CLIENT.prepare_request_uri(
app = Flask(__name__)
def login():
    # redirect to the newly created Sign-In URI
    return redirect(REQ_URI)
def home():
    "Redirect after Google login & consent"
    # Get the code after authenticating from the URL
    code = request.args.get('code')
    # Generate URL to generate token
    token_url, headers, body = CLIENT.prepare_token_request(
            # request.base_url is same as DATA['redirect_uri']
    # Generate token to access Google API
    token_response =
            auth=(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET))
    # Parse the token response
    # Add token to the  Google endpoint to get the user info
    # oauthlib uses the token parsed in the previous step
    uri, headers, body = CLIENT.add_token(URL_DICT['get_user_info'])
    # Get the user info
    response_user_info = requests.get(uri, headers=headers, data=body)
    info = response_user_info.json()
    return redirect('/user/%s' % info['email'])
def login_success(email):
    "Landing page after successful login"
    return "Hello %s" % email
if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=5000, ssl_context='adhoc')

To view this project on GitHub, simply follow this link: sso_google_oauthlib

That’s it! With this tutorial, you can easily integrate a Google Sign-In page into your Flask application

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5 thoughts on “Add Google Sign-In to your Flask app

    1. Hi,
      I am reading there could be a lot of reasons why ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR is triggered. Can you please share more info on the error:
      – Did you try using a different browser and do you see the same error?
      – Do you have the `ssl_context='adhoc' param set when calling method?

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