Add Google Sign-In to your Flask app

Recently, I integrated SSO with Google Sign-In into a web application using the oauthlib library. While working on this project, I found plenty of resources on SSO and oauthlib separately, but struggled to find a tutorial that could guide me through the setup of Google Sign-In using oauthlib in a timely manner. Therefore, I’ve written this post to provide a […]

Combining Rust and Py03 with Python

Recently, Qxf2 has been transitioning to Rust and has been writing many blogs on various topics related to Rust. The main aim of these blogs is to document our progress. In this post, I am writing about how I used Py03/maturin tool to call a Rust library from Python. We have initiated a Rust-based project called “meme-generator” to generate attention-grabbing […]

Parameterize Tests in Rust: rstest

This post will discuss how to parameterize tests in Rust. Qxf2 likes the fact that Rust makes testing a first class citizen of the language. It provides a test runner out of the box. However, coming from Python land, we missed one feature – test parametrization. So went about looking for crates that could help. We have found rstest to […]