Open sourcing Newsletter Generator using Terraform

This post aims to help testers create a test environment for practicing testing microservice-based architecture. A lot of testers would like to learn how to test applications that are loosely coupled microservices. But testing these applications generally require access to cloud based infrastructure. So the most common way professional testers first test such applications is at their day job. This […]

Integrating CloudWatch Alarms with Skype

At Qxf2, our AWS environment hosts a multitude of applications, so monitoring the AWS services in real time is crucial for maintaining system reliability and performance. We’ve been using CloudWatch alarms to help us watch over our resources, these alarms used to send us emails whenever something went wrong. The problem was, it is often easy to miss these alerts […]

Testing AWS Lambda locally using LocalStack and pytest

Testing loosely coupled microservices requires the use of diverse testing tools. Unlike monoliths, it is challenging to have a complete copy of the production system (System Under Test) for integration testing. Often, developers are hesitant to make changes in the pipeline due to uncertainty about potential downstream impacts. In such cases, it is valuable for developers to test integration components […]

Writing end to end test for microservices based architecture used for posting skype messages

Recently, I have attempted to test microservices based architecture where the AWS Lambda function consumes messages from a microservices endpoint and posts them to the skype channel. I have made an attempt to add most of the validations for the flow. I have included this end-to-end test in the below blog. Background: The above architecture explains, microservices based architecture which […]

Holiday Reminder Skype Bot

Qxf2 services provides testing services for startups, a majority of our client base is offshore so as to keep them informed about the days Qxf2 is going to be on PTO (public and optional holidays) we follow a practice of notifying them 3 to 7 days in advance. This helps in proper planning and estimating the work. Every year, Qxf2 […]