Auto-generate requirements.txt file using pipreqs

At Qxf2, we love Python. We use Python on multiple projects and as per our requirements, we install multiple modules. But, I found it difficult to create a requirements.txt file for specific projects manually. So I searched for a tool/technique to generate a requirement.txt file. I come across the pipreqs package, which generates a requirement.txt file based on the import […]

Post pytest test results on Slack

Slack is a really popular instant messenger among our clients. It has very nice integration capabilities (Slack bots) that we use with our CI setup. At Qxf2, we sometimes encourage (and enable!) developers to run automated GUI and API tests against their local builds. So, we decided to enhance our GUI automation framework to post the test result of a […]

Qxf2 has open sourced a Python-based automation testing framework

We have open-sourced our test automation framework. You can now write Selenium and Appium tests in Python using the Page Object pattern. Our Pythonic web, mobile and REST API test automation framework will help you get started with QA automation quickly. It comes with many useful integrations like – email, Slack, TestRail, BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, etc. You can find it […]

Cleaning data with Python

I am sharing some tips and tricks on cleaning data and restructuring the data you are using for testing. Why this post? Qxf2 works with many data intensive applications. I’ve noticed a pattern – my colleagues hit very similar data related problems across many different projects. That got me thinking critically about test data. I was thrilled to stumble upon […]

Better pytest failure summaries

We, at Qxf2, are really liking pytest. It is the most Pythonic test runner we have come across so far. We started using it with our GUI automation. We realized one thing very quickly – pytest’s reporting capabilities are configured to suit unit testing. We needed to reconfigure pytest’s reporting to suit our GUI automation framework. It was also hard […]