Dynamically import Quilt packages

This post is primarily aimed at Quilt users. Read-only section 2 if you were looking for examples of dynamically importing Python modules. In this post, we will show you how to use the same code to interact with two similarly structured but different Quilt Packages. This is particularly useful when you use one Quilt package on your development environment and […]

Tesults: better reporting for automated tests

We wanted a good way to report the test results from our automation framework. So, when Tesults approached us to integrate with our Selenium, Python-based automation framework we were pleased. In this post, we are going to show you how automation can update test results directly on to Tesults. Why this post? If you have ever built a automated testing […]

AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘find_dotenv’ while running Flask app

We have a Flask app “cars-api” to help testers learn to write API automation. One day we hit across this issue while running the app File “C:/Git/cars-api-master/cars_app.py”, line 234, in app.run(host=”″, port=5000) File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\flask\app.py”, line 910, in run cli.load_dotenv() File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\flask\cli.py”, line 600, in load_dotenv path = dotenv.find_dotenv(name, usecwd=True) AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘find_dotenv’ I looked at the […]

SSH using Python Paramiko

Recently, as part of an automated test, we needed to SSH into a server, toggle a service and then check the response on a web application. We used the Python module Paramiko. We ended up writing simple wrappers around the most common actions test automation may need to perform over SSH. In this post, we will share the same. We […]

Getting started with Wallaroo

We used to think writing (near) real-time applications that process multiple data streams was for the high IQ crowd and well-funded teams. This belief was probably strengthened by the fact that we (at Qxf2) love Python … and our favorite language lacked good complex event processors, stream processors. So we were excited to discover Wallaroo has set out to fill […]

Continuous Integration using Bitbucket Pipelines and Docker

Recently, one of our clients started using Bitbucket Pipelines for Continuous Integration. Thank you Lea Anthony of Secure Code Warrior for introducing and helping us get started with Bitbucket pipelines! At Qxf2 Services, we like exploring different tools and sharing our knowledge to help other testers. In this post, we will show you how easy it is to enable continuous integration […]