Investigation of the application deployed on Kubernetes

As a tester, we work with applications deployed on Kubernetes. That means, we need to know how to interact with various components of Kubernetes. But most online tutorials start with stuff that applies mostly to developers and DevOps engineers like install, writing deploy scripts, etc. Those are not really useful to testers, at least not directly. So, in this blog, I have tried to cover most of the components of Kubernetes that testers need to know and explore. To gain practical hands-on experience, you can deploy our Todo list app, which is available here, on Kubernetes platforms like Minikube, Kind, or any cloud platform such as EKS, AKS, GKS. At Qxf2, we deployed the Todo list app on Minikube and captured screenshots for this blog. You can also try it with your own app.

Check Nodes:

“Nodes” in Kubernetes are the individual worker machines that make up a cluster. They are responsible for running containers, hosting Pods, and executing the workloads managed by the Kubernetes control plane. Nodes provide the computing and networking resources needed to run applications.

Use the following command to check all Nodes:

 kubectl get nodes

This command provides all available nodes along with their status, roles, age, and version. Look at the screenshot below.

Get nodes
Get Nodes

To get more details about nodes, you can use the following command:

 kubectl get nodes -o wide

The above command provides additional information about internal IP address, external IP address, OS image, Kernel version, and readiness container runtime. Look at the screenshot below.

Get nodes with wide option
Get Nodes with Wide option

To see even more details of any node, you can use the following command. It will provide all information about a specific node. Look at the screenshot below.

Node details
Node details

Check Pods:

In Kubernetes, a “Pod” is the smallest deployable unit that can hold one or multiple containers. Pods are the basic building blocks of applications in a Kubernetes cluster. Containers within a Pod share the same network namespace, which means they can communicate with each other using localhost, and they can also share storage volumes.

Use the following command to check all Pods:

 kubectl get pods

This command provides all available pod names along with their status, readiness, how many times they have restarted, and age. You can check the status, readiness, and the number of restarts to decide if there is any problem with the pod. Look at the screenshot below.

Get Pods
Get Pods

If you want even more details about pods, you can use the following command:

kubectl get pods -o wide

The above command provides additional information such as IP address, the node where the pod is deployed, the nominated node, and readiness gates. Refer to the screenshot below.

get pods with wide option
Get Pods with Wide option

Usually, the pod’s status, readiness, and restart fields help to find problems with the pods. If you notice a problem with a pod or you want to see more details, you can use the following command:

kubectl describe <pod name>

The above command provides complete details about the pod, including its namespace, status, IPs, container details, volumes, node selectors, conditions, events, etc. Refer to the screenshot below.

Pod Details
Pod Details

Check deployments:

In Kubernetes, a “Deployment” is a resource that defines and manages the desired state of a set of Pods. Deployments ensure that a specified number of replica Pods are running at all times, and they can handle updates and rollbacks of application versions. Deployments are a key component for managing and scaling applications in Kubernetes.

Use the command below to list the available deploy resources in Kubernetes.

kubectl get deploy

The above command lists out all deploy names along with their readiness, availability, update status, and age. Look at the screenshot below:

Get deploy
Get Deploy

If you want to see more details like containers and images, you can run the command along with the “-o wide” option.

kubectl get deploy -o wide

Now it provides additional container, image, and selector details used for deployment.

Get deploy with wide option
Get deploy with Wide option

If you want to check even further details, you can use the “describe” command:

kubectl describe deploy <deploy_name>

Look at the below screenshot.

Deploy details
Deploy details

Check StatefulSet:

A “StatefulSet” is a Kubernetes resource used for managing stateful applications, such as databases, where each pod has a stable and unique identity. It ensures ordered, stable deployment and scaling of Pods, making it suitable for applications that require persistent network identifiers and storage.

Use the command below to list the available StatefulSet resources in Kubernetes.

kubectl get statefulset

The above command lists all the StatefulSet names along with their readiness and age. Please refer to the screenshot below.

Get StatefulSet
Get StatefulSet

If you want to see more details, such as containers and images, you can run the command with the “-o wide” option.

kubectl get statefulset -o wide

Now it provides additional information about containers and images used.

StatefulSet with wide option
StatefulSet with wide option

If you want to check even further details, you can use the “describe” command:

kubectl describe statefulset <StatefulSet_name>

Please refer to the screenshot below.

StatefulSet details
StatefulSet details

Check Replicaset:

A “ReplicaSet” is a Kubernetes resource used for ensuring a specified number of replica Pods are running at all times. It helps maintain the desired number of identical Pods, making it useful for achieving high availability and load balancing in Kubernetes.

Use the following command to list out the replica sets:

kubectl get rs

The above command provides a list of available replica sets along with desired, current, and ready state details. Please refer to the screenshot below:

Get ReplicaSet
Get ReplicaSet

You can run the above command with the “-o wide” option to get container, image, and selector details.

Get ReplicaSet with wide option
Get ReplicaSet with wide option

If you want to know more details, you can use the following describe command:

 kubectl describe rs <replica set name>

Please refer to the screenshot below.

ReplicaSet Details
ReplicaSet Details

Check Service:

A “Service” in Kubernetes is a resource that defines a stable network endpoint for accessing a set of Pods. It enables load balancing, service discovery, and abstracts the network details, allowing other Pods to access a set of Pods using a single, consistent hostname or IP address.

To check the list of all available services, use the following command:

 kubectl get svc

This command lists all available services along with their type, cluster IP, external IP, port, and age. Look at the screenshot below.

Get Service
Get Service

You can use the “-o wide” option to get selector details.

Get Service with Wide option
Get Service with Wide option

If you want to know more details about a service, you can use the “describe” command for that specific service:

 kubectl describe svc <service name>

Please refer to the screenshot below.

Service Details
Service Details

Check ConfigMap:

A “ConfigMap” in Kubernetes is a resource for storing configuration data as key-value pairs or as plain text in a centralized and reusable manner. It allows you to decouple configuration from application code, making it easier to manage and update configuration settings for Pods and other resources in the cluster.

To check the list of all ConfigMaps, use the following command:

 kubectl get configmap

This command lists all available ConfigMaps along with the number of data it consists of. Please refer to the screenshot below.

Get Config
Get Config

If you want to know more details about a ConfigMap, you can use the “describe” command:

 kubectl describe configmap <configmap name>

Please refer to the screenshot below for ConfigMap details.

Config details
Config details

Check Secrets:

A “Secret” in Kubernetes is a resource for storing sensitive data, such as API keys, passwords, or certificates, securely within the cluster. Secrets are base64-encoded and can be mounted into Pods as files or exposed as environment variables, providing a way to manage and access sensitive information in a more secure manner.

To check the list of all secrets, use the command below:

 kubectl get secrets

This command lists all available secrets along with the number of data it consists of. Look at the screenshot below.

Get Secrets
Get Secrets

If you want to know more details about secrets, you can use the “describe” command:

 kubectl describe secrets <secrets name>

Look at the screenshot below; it shows secret keys along with their value sizes.

Secrets details
Secrets details

Check Ingress:

“Ingress” in Kubernetes is a resource that manages external access to services within the cluster. It acts as an API gateway and load balancer, routing incoming HTTP and HTTPS traffic to specific services based on rules defined in the Ingress resource.

To check the list of all Ingress, use the following command:

 kubectl get ingress

This command lists all available Ingress along with hosts and addresses. Look at the screenshot below.

Get Ingress
Get Ingress

If you want to know more details about Ingress, you can use the “describe” command:

 kubectl describe ingress <ingress name>

Look at the screenshot below; it shows additional information about the Ingress class, rules, etc.

Ingress details
Ingress details

Check Egress:

In Kubernetes, “egress” refers to the network traffic that originates from within a Kubernetes cluster and is destined for resources outside of the cluster. Egress traffic typically includes requests made by pods to external services, APIs, databases, or the internet as a whole.

You can check Egress policies using the following command:

 kubectl get networkpolicy

Note: No egress policy is set in our example available here, so no screenshot is provided.

How to check logs:

If your application generates logs, then you can view them using the following command:

 kubectl logs <pod name>

Please refer to the screenshot below.

Get Pod logs
Get Pod logs

How to enter inside the containers:

For further debugging, sometimes we need to enter a pod or run a specific command. To do that, use the following command:

 kubectl exec -it <podname> -- <command>

To enter the container and investigate its contents, you can use /bin/bash or /sh depending on the container’s design:

 kubectl exec -it <podname> -- /bin/bash

Please refer to the screenshot below.

Enter inside pod/container
Enter inside pod/container

How to check if ConfigMap or Secrets have been applied correctly or not:

To verify whether ConfigMaps or Secrets have been applied correctly to a pod, you need to run the “printenv” command on the respective pod and check if your ConfigMaps or Secrets were set correctly or not. Please refer to the screenshot below.

Run command inside the pod/container
Run command inside the pod/container

We hope our blog is helpful for you in investigating your Kubernetes cluster.

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