Introduction to Chrono Crate in Rust

Qxf2 is writing about commonly used Rust libraries. This series of posts is aimed at testers (like us) who want to start using Rust as part of their daily work. In this post, we will show you how to use Chrono. Chrono aims to provide all functionality needed to do correct operations on dates and times. Getting Started Setting up […]

A brief introduction to Accessibility Testing using Axe

This post will discuss accessibility testing – specifically the portions of using Axe on your browser as well as integrating Axe with your automated test suite. We will also briefly discuss few nuances of introducing Accessibility testing into your team’s workflow. This post will NOT cover the basics of Accessibility tests, the standards used, etc. Overview Qxf2’s clients are startups […]

Exploratory Testing with Logmine

This post will discuss how to improve your Exploratory Testing using Logmine. For sometime, I have been looking out for a log analyzer when I started doing exploratory testing with a new product. Logs are a gold mine of information if used well. You can infer common problems, get testing ideas, understand typical behaviour of a product and more from […]

Data Generation for Text Classification

I set out to evaluate a ML model (emotion classifier) from a human/user perspective. The heart of my attempt was going to be around designing the right set of data to evaluate the performance of the model. Very quickly, I realized that there is more to this task than meets the eye. In this post, I will share several problems […]

Read and Write csv data using Rust

This post will discuss how to read and write csv data using Rust and the csv crate. We are aiming this at testers who are trying to do useful things with Rust just like us at Qxf2. The two most common operations a tester working with csv would like to do are: reading csv data and dynamically creating csv data. […]

Parameterize Tests in Rust: rstest

This post will discuss how to parameterize tests in Rust. Qxf2 likes the fact that Rust makes testing a first class citizen of the language. It provides a test runner out of the box. However, coming from Python land, we missed one feature – test parametrization. So went about looking for crates that could help. We have found rstest to […]

Rust Selenium Tests for Beginners

I created a repository of working examples for test automation on the web UI using the thirty-four crate. Beginners often have trouble finding good articles with fully working Rust code, especially professional testers who are learning the language along with UI automation. Therefore, I created something for this niche. If you are new to Rust testing and wondering how to […]

How to use thirtyfour crate with Cucumber-rs: Part 1

This post shows how to set a webdriver instance produced by thirtyfour as a member of the World struct defined by Cucumber-rs. We hope to follow up with one more simple post on How to use thirtyfour crate with Cucumber-rs showing ways to write browser driven BDD test automation in Rust using thirtyfour and Cucumber-rs. Why bother writing browser automation […]

Test Automation with Testim

Qxf2 recently explored a tool called Testim, a low code tool for test automation. We found it useful in specific cases and wanted to quickly write about it. Why bother with a low code tool? Readers of this blog will know that Qxf2 loves to use code for testing. All our engineers write code. Our GitHub page is extremely popular […]

Implement PartialEq for a custom type in Rust

This post will show you a couple of ways to implement the PartialEq trait for a custom type in Rust. This is particularly useful for testers since we end up using the assert_eq! macro. A bit of background: Qxf2 has started adopting Rust as our primary language to write our tests and tools. The reasons for the shift from Python […]