Introduction to Chrono Crate in Rust

Qxf2 is writing about commonly used Rust libraries. This series of posts is aimed at testers (like us) who want to start using Rust as part of their daily work. In this post, we will show you how to use Chrono. Chrono aims to provide all functionality needed to do correct operations on dates and times. Getting Started Setting up […]

HTTP requests using Rust Reqwest

About Reqwest At Qxf2, we have always been curious to constantly learn and discover new possibilities and insights. This led us to explore the Reqwest crate, a standout tool for Rust, further enriching our technical toolkit. Reqwest is a client solution for Rust for making asynchronous HTTP requests. It provides API’s for interacting with various HTTP operations. It’s ease of […]

Rust Meets Relational Databases: A Rusqlite Guide

Rusqlite is a Rust implementation of the SQLite database engine. Qxf2 is learning Rust and sharing our learnings through blog posts. In this post, we will explore the key features of Rusqlite and how to get started using it in Rust projects. We’ll cover Installation, Creating the Database , Creating tables and adding data into the tables. How to get […]

A guide to Regex Crate – 2

Qxf2 is exploring commonly used Rust crates and sharing our learning. We are focused on crates that testers will end up using quite often. We have tried our best to include illustrative examples in order to help testers understand how to use these crates. This blog is continuation to our previous blog on Regex Crate Modules. In this blog we […]

Simplifying Fake Data Generation in Rust using fake crate

Generating realistic test data is often a challenging task in the software industry. However, Rust’s fake crate provides a simple solution to this problem. By using the fake crate, data generation in Rust becomes effortless, allowing users to generate mock data for testing purposes or any other requirements. This blog post delves into the utilization of the Fake crate in […]

Rust Clap journey – a little further

At Qxf2 we are always on the lookout to go wider and deeper into evolving our technical toolbelt. One such initiative was to explore popular Rust crates and to come up with code samples showing implementation of important features. Clap is a popular crate in Rust, that aids in developing CLI applications seamlessly. In our opening blog, we gave you […]

A guide to Regex Crate

Qxf2 is exploring commonly used Rust crates. We are writing a series of posts on useful crates to help you to understand how to use them with examples. This is blog is about the Rust Regex Crate. Disclaimer: We are not developers. But we make it a point to share out learning. This post was worked on in late 2023. […]

Read and Write csv data using Rust

This post will discuss how to read and write csv data using Rust and the csv crate. We are aiming this at testers who are trying to do useful things with Rust just like us at Qxf2. The two most common operations a tester working with csv would like to do are: reading csv data and dynamically creating csv data. […]

Combining Rust and Py03 with Python

Recently, Qxf2 has been transitioning to Rust and has been writing many blogs on various topics related to Rust. The main aim of these blogs is to document our progress. In this post, I am writing about how I used Py03/maturin tool to call a Rust library from Python. We have initiated a Rust-based project called “meme-generator” to generate attention-grabbing […]

Parameterize Tests in Rust: rstest

This post will discuss how to parameterize tests in Rust. Qxf2 likes the fact that Rust makes testing a first class citizen of the language. It provides a test runner out of the box. However, coming from Python land, we missed one feature – test parametrization. So went about looking for crates that could help. We have found rstest to […]