Anonymize data using Python Faker

We have an application which holds some sensitive survey information. Now since we couldn’t share the data with everyone we wanted a good way to Anonymize the data so that we can handover the development to anyone. We found Faker as a good library that generates fake data.

Why this post

As a tester, we may need to work with real data but in case the data has some sensitive information, it may be not possible to use it directly. In such cases anonymizing the data becomes important. In this post, you will learn how to Anonymize the data using Faker

What is Faker?

Faker is a Python library that generates fake data for you. You can use it to Anonymize your production data, create dummy data for testing by filling it in your DB, etc


To install faker you can simply run

pip install Faker

Next, as part of our  example, we will be dealing with CSV data so to iterate over the csv data we need to install a python library called Unicode CSV by running

pip install unicodecsv

Working example to anonymize data from a csv file

Contents of original_data.csv file

Consider we have a CSV file named original_data which has 3 columns namely Id, Name and Email with 5 records for the same as shown in the screenshot above of which we will be anonymizing the cell values for Name and Email columns by making use of Faker library

Create a file named with the following content:

This script will Anonymize the data in original_data.csv file to Anonymized form in anonymized_data csv file
import unicodecsv as csv
from faker import Faker
from collections import defaultdict
def anonymize():
	'Anonymizes the given original data to anonymized form'
	# Load the faker and its providers
	faker  = Faker()
	# Create mappings of names & emails to faked names & emails.
	names  = defaultdict(
	emails = defaultdict(
	with open("original_data.csv", 'rU') as f:       
	    with open("anonymized_data.csv", 'wb') as o :
	    # Use the DictReader to easily extract fields
	        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
	        writer = csv.DictWriter(o, reader.fieldnames)
	        for row in reader:
	            row['name']  = names[row['name']]
	            row['email'] = emails[row['email']]
if __name__ == '__main__':

As you can see in the code you can simply fake a name by using the method – Each call to method yields a different (random) result similarly for emails. Faker object has around 158 different methods all of which generates fake data depending on users need. Faker delegates the data generation to providers. The default object provider uses the English locale. Faker supports other locales; they differ in the level of completion. If you wish to use some other locale provider then you can visit – Faker Locales

You can run the script with


which would generate an anonymized_data.csv in the same directory of your python script with your anonymized data

Contents of newly generated anonymized_data.csv

You can see that anonymized_data.csv file has a similar number of rows, length and also field name only difference is that names and emails have been replaced with anonymized names and emails

Hope this post helped you to learn how with some lines of code you can easily fake a dataset. So next time when your team says they can’t use real time data since it has sensitive info, share your knowledge on this library and get the data rolling. Happy testing…

6 thoughts on “Anonymize data using Python Faker

  1. What is file is having duplicate data still faker will give you same data for both the rows
    eg: input file has
    id first_name cash
    101 ravi 10
    102 chandra 200
    101 ravi 20
    here id is values repeated for two rows in this case will faker give same data for id ?

    1. Hi,

      After referring faker documentation it looks like the duplication removal mentioned in your case won’t happen directly in the faker as faker generator, generates data by accessing properties named after the type of data. More details at below documentation.

      However, you can sanitize original CSV file removing duplicates. The code sample is shown in the below article:

      Then use the code snippet shown in the blog post.

      Also, you can use random.randint() to generate random id’s as shown in the below reference document:

      Another reference you may want to refer as well:


  2. Can we do anonymization of data for multiple files, maintaining the data uniformly using faker?
    For example,
    InputFile A has Customer_Name: John Smith
    InputFile B has Employee_Name: John Smith
    While Anonymizing the data, can we achieve
    OutputFile A Customer_Name: Jane Doe
    OutputFile B Employee_Name: Jane Doe

    1. Yes..We can achieve it ..You can define function anonymize() for two different files, one is FIle A and the other is File B.

  3. Hey, first of all thanks for the post. I’m getting an error in the line
    writer = csv.DictWriter(anonymized_file, reader.fieldnames)

    AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘decode’. Did you mean: ‘encode’?

    What version of Python is this post using? thanks

    1. Hi,
      This blog post uses Python version 2.7.17. This has support only till 3.5. For example, when we tried to run in Python 3.7, we observed the following message:
      Supported versions are python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and pypy 2.4.0.

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