Set up a CI/CD pipeline to run lambda tests using AWS cloud service emulator named LocalStack

Recently, I have explored LocalStack AWS local stack to test cloud application locally. You can test the lambda in the AWS lambda console or Moto i.e. mocking. However running tests against LocalStack, would be good as this would not incur any cost of using AWS Services. LocalStack can be used for running any AWS service locally as well as on […]

Automated cloud testing setup using Selenium grid and Docker Swarm

Maintaining infrastructure for automated Selenium cross-browser tests is time-consuming. The cloud testing platforms like BrowserStack and Saucelabs help you. But in some cases, you want to have your own cloud testing environment. This is usually time-consuming and involves setting up and using Selenium Grid. This post helps testers to automate the setup process for cloud-based testing. We hope this post […]

Continuous Integration using Bitbucket Pipelines and Docker

Recently, one of our clients started using Bitbucket Pipelines for Continuous Integration. Thank you Lea Anthony of Secure Code Warrior for introducing and helping us get started with Bitbucket pipelines! At Qxf2 Services, we like exploring different tools and sharing our knowledge to help other testers. In this post, we will show you how easy it is to enable continuous integration […]

CircleCI nightly automation

A Qxf2 client is using CircleCI for their continuous integration and deployment needs. We decided to run a small subset of critical tests in our automation suite against every new commit and deploy. We also run our entire automation suite, which takes longer, once every night. This post outlines how we setup CircleCI to achieve this setup. Why this post? […]

Connecting to BrowserStack from CircleCI containers

Problem: How do I connect to BrowserStack from CircleCI’s build containers? Why this post? A recent Qxf2 client was using CircleCI for their continuous integration and deployment needs. Partnering with our client, we had identified that it would be useful to run a minimal set of automated GUI tests as part of their continuous integration and deployment process. The GUI […]

Python unit test integration with Jenkins

Problem: Jenkins is still somewhat of a black box to testers. This post is for the hands on tester looking to integrate their Python unit tests with Jenkins. Why this post? Jenkins is an extremely popular continuous integration tool. Jenkins is often setup and maintained by the development team or I.T. team in many companies. Testers know about Jenkins but […]