Open sourcing Newsletter Generator using Terraform

This post aims to help testers create a test environment for practicing testing microservice-based architecture. A lot of testers would like to learn how to test applications that are loosely coupled microservices. But testing these applications generally require access to cloud based infrastructure. So the most common way professional testers first test such applications is at their day job. This […]

Getting everyone to write infrastructure tests

In this post, we will outline our usual strategy to get an entire team to quickly fill testing holes – like writing infrastructure tests. Why? Because we find ourselves using this approach frequently at clients. Some context: Qxf2 engineers work with early stage products that neglected writing tests in favour of shipping quickly. This means, we almost always enter situations […]

Auditing AWS cloud resources with Chef InSpec

Continuing from the preceding blog, ‘Auditing OS Level Resources with Chef InSpec’ which delved into utilizing the Chef InSpec open-source tool for testing individual servers via OS level resources. Now, we embark into the domain of Chef InSpec’s facility in cloud environments. Chef InSpec extends its support to cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP. Referring to insights shared in […]

Testing AWS Lambda locally using LocalStack and pytest

Testing loosely coupled microservices requires the use of diverse testing tools. Unlike monoliths, it is challenging to have a complete copy of the production system (System Under Test) for integration testing. Often, developers are hesitant to make changes in the pipeline due to uncertainty about potential downstream impacts. In such cases, it is valuable for developers to test integration components […]

Troubleshooting Common Issues when using Chef InSpec with GitHub Actions

At Qxf2, we have been using Infrastructure tests at our clients for a while now. We recently came up with the idea of adding some infrastructure tests for our own servers and applications within Qxf2. We used Chef Inspec to write and execute our tests. Chef InSpec is a popular open-source framework that helps you test and review your applications […]

Set up a CI/CD pipeline to run lambda tests using AWS cloud service emulator named LocalStack

Recently, I have explored LocalStack AWS local stack to test cloud application locally. You can test the lambda in the AWS lambda console or Moto i.e. mocking. However running tests against LocalStack, would be good as this would not incur any cost of using AWS Services. LocalStack can be used for running any AWS service locally as well as on […]