Beginners guide for Git Setup on Windows

As part of our internship program, we encourage interns to make use of Git as a version control system due to a whole lot of benefits it provides, if you don’t know what Git is then you can read the blog – get started with Git


Why this post?

During our internship program, we have seen many fresh graduates struggling to get setup with Git and Git Bash on Windows system. So, I wanted to solve this problem by giving them a simple detailed set of instructions to get them quickly setup with Git on Windows system.



1. Download the latest Windows for Git installer from – this link
2. Run the downloaded Git setup exe file, we recommend keeping the default options provided by the wizard and complete installation
3. Once installation completes, Press Windows key and search for Git Bash and open it. You should see something like

4. Run the command to check Git version:git --version if it displays the version then your Git setup is successful

Getting setup with Git on Windows was not that difficult, next you may try to clone and work on your favorite GitHub repository or use our open-sourced qxf2 pom repository  . Do let us know in the comments below if this post helped you


One thought on “%1$s”

  1. Thanks Rohan! That was such a smooth sailing. Usually in the coarse of downloading any software or a (.exe) file and completing the set up we encounter many issues and this post of yours let us finish the task in a wink of an eye.

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