Running Selenium automation using Sauce Labs: Part 2

Problem: Selenium automation should run tests across different browsers and platforms on Sauce labs.

In a previous post titled Running Selenium automation using Sauce Labs: Part I, we showed you how to get started with running your Selenium tests on Sauce Labs. In this post we will show you how to parameterize  the test so that you can run the test across different browsers, browser versions and operating systems. For Python newbies, we have a short section on using the Python module OptionParser.


1. Update your test class
2. Accept command line options
3. Run the test
4. Check the result on Sauce Labs

STEP 1: Update your test class
We will update the script used in Part 1 of this tutorial to include the code which accepts browser, version and platform as parameters. Update the constructor and setUp methods with the code snippet mentioned below:

class Selenium2OnSauce(unittest.TestCase):
    "Example class written to run Selenium tests on Sauce Labs"
    def __init__(self,browser,browser_version,platform):
        "Constructor: Accepts the browser, browser version and OS(platform) as parameters"
        self.browser = browser
        self.browser_version = browser_version
        self.platform = platform
    def setUp(self):
        "Setup for this test involves spinning up the right virtual machine on Sauce Labs"
        if self.browser.lower() == 'ff' or self.browser.lower() == 'firefox':
            desired_capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX
            desired_capabilities['version'] = self.browser_version
            desired_capabilities['platform'] = self.platform
        elif self.browser.lower() == 'ie':
            desired_capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.INTERNETEXPLORER
            desired_capabilities['version'] = self.browser_version
            desired_capabilities['platform'] = self.platform
        elif self.browser.lower() == 'chrome':
            desired_capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
            desired_capabilities['version'] = self.browser_version
            desired_capabilities['platform'] = self.platform
        desired_capabilities['name'] = 'Testing Script in different Browser, Version and Platform'
        self.driver = webdriver.Remote(
            command_executor="http://$USERNAME:[email protected]:80/wd/hub"

STEP 2: Accept command line options
Python’s OptionParser module can be used for parsing command-line options. Here is a helpful code snippet:

from optparse import OptionParser
if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Lets accept some command line options from the user
    #We have chosen to use the Python module optparse 
    usage = "usage: %prog -b <browser> -v <browser version number> -p <platform>\nE.g.1: %prog -b ie -v 8 -p \"Windows 7\"\nE.g.2: %prog -b ff -v 26 -p \"Windows 8\"\n---"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option("-b","--browser",dest="browser",help="The name of the browser: ie, firefox, chrome",default="firefox")
    parser.add_option("-v","--version",dest="browser_version",help="The version of the browser: a whole number",default=None)
    parser.add_option("-p","--platform",dest="platform",help="The operating system: Windows 7, Linux",default="Windows 7")
    (options,args) = parser.parse_args()

STEP 3: Run the test
You can run the test script the normal way you do. We run it via the command prompt. Here is a screenshot from our machine.
Run the test

STEP 4: Check the result on Sauce Labs
You can see the results on your web account. Login to your Sauce Labs account and you should see a result table like the screen shot below.

Check the result on Sauce Labs

Ta-daaa! In less than 50 lines of Python, you can now get cross browser coverage for all your Selenium automated checks without having to maintain a lab.

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