Anonymize data using Python Faker

We have an application which holds some sensitive survey information. Now since we couldn’t share the data with everyone we wanted a good way to Anonymize the data so that we can handover the development to anyone. We found Faker as a good library that generates fake data. Why this post As a tester, we may need to work with […]

Problem Steps Recorder

Recently when I was searching for the screen capture tool to report my issues to QA team, I discovered that windows already have an inbuilt hidden tool in Windows 7, 8 and 10 versions called Problem Steps Recorder(PSR). Do you know about Problem Steps Recorder already? If you feel no, scroll down to learn more. Problem Steps Recorder is a […]

Learning Python when you already know Java

This blog is an outcome of a few adjustments that I made while moving from Java to Python when automating my tests. This will help you with basic pointers about how Python syntax is different from Java. Why this post? As an experienced Java automation engineer, when I started my journey into Automation using Python, I had this very basic […]

Saving cProfile stats to a csv file

As part of testing one of my client code, I used cProfile to profile some code. Though I had never tried profiling code before, I found cProfile easy to use. However, I faced some challenges on how to use the stats which cProfile provided. I looked at ways to use the stats but I didn’t find an option where I […]

Beginners guide for Git Setup on Windows

As part of our internship program, we encourage interns to make use of Git as a version control system due to a whole lot of benefits it provides, if you don’t know what Git is then you can read the blog – get started with Git   Why this post? During our internship program, we have seen many fresh graduates struggling to get […]

Old SSL certificate being served by nginx

I had let the SSL certificate on one of my properties expire. I purchased a new certificate and installed it on the server. But the server seemed to still return the old, expired certificate. I had restarted the nginx service several times and yet nothing happened. I ended up spending an annoying amount of time on this issue as StackOverflow […]

Developing a simple Kivy application

At Qxf2 Services we do hackathon yearly once. We believe that this gives good learning and we can believe in ourselves do our work faster. This year, I took Kivy and developed a desktop application. You usually think is it possible for us to develop an application without having basic knowledge of the framework? Yes, you can do it. I […]