HTTP requests using Rust Reqwest

About Reqwest At Qxf2, we have always been curious to constantly learn and discover new possibilities and insights. This led us to explore the Reqwest crate, a standout tool for Rust, further enriching our technical toolkit. Reqwest is a client solution for Rust for making asynchronous HTTP requests. It provides API’s for interacting with various HTTP operations. It’s ease of […]

Understanding Text Classification Models with LIME

Why this post? I’ve always been wondering how Machine learning models functions as black boxes, making predictions based on patterns learned from data. Despite the impressive accuracy, understanding the factors and features that influenced a particular prediction and the decision-making process is crucial and challenging task. The lack of transparency in these models adds complexity making their internal workings less […]

Exploring Smart Contract Testing in DApps

At Qxf2, recently we began exploring blockchain technology to understand its potential applications and benefits in various industries. Our journey into testing DApps started with research and self-learning. We immersed ourselves in learning about Ethereum, the leading platform for developing DApps, and its ecosystem of tools and frameworks. Understanding the nuances of Solidity, the programming language for smart contracts, was […]

Testing Solid App with Molid Mock Server

At Qxf2, we are excited to delve deeper into Solid technology and explore its potential. This is my second blog post discussing Solid Applications. In my previous blog, I shared about building a sample solid app. This application takes a WebID as input and returns the Profile Name and Friends list for that WebId. In this post, I will talk […]

End to End UI Automation using TestCafe

For one of our clients, TestCafe has been recently used for end-to-end(e2e) UI automation. TestCafe has a number of significant features, including simple setup, no web driver installation, support for all main operating systems, various browser support, reporting and HTTP Mocking. In this article, I’d like to show how to create UI tests with TestCafe, as well as how to […]

Replace logging with Loguru

We have a bunch of logging happening in our test popular automation framework and we were using standard Python logging module. We always wanted to make our debugging process simple and make logging look pleasant. Recently we came across the Python module Loguru which provides easier file logging with rotation / retention / compression and also provides good string formatting. […]

Generate MySQL test data using FillDB

We have an application which needs to be tested with a bunch of test data in the MySQL database. For generating random data, we used to run scripts with INSERT statements to generate the dummy data or in some cases wrote stored procedures. We were looking out for a tool which can auto-populate a database with loads of test data […]