Python+Selenium+pytest tutorial

One of our clients recently introduced us to a really nice, Pythonic test runner called pytest. Thank you Vachan Wodeyar of Kahuna, Inc. for introducing and helping us get started with pytest!   Our GUI automation framework lacked a good test runner. So it was tough to run all our tests with just one command. It also made reporting results […]

Selenium tutorial for beginners

We recently presented a Selenium tutorial aimed at beginners. Avinash Shetty of Qxf2 Services presented the tutorial as part of the Mangaluru Software Testing group meetup at Mangalore Infotech’s spacious office. Several members who attended the meetup found the talk and examples useful. So we thought we would share the material on our blog too. You can practice your Selenium […]

Appium tutorial: Execute Python tests on mobile devices

This Appium tutorial will show you how to run automated tests on a real physical device. We estimate skimming through this post will take you 10 minutes. We estimate working through this post, step by step, will take you about 90 minutes. In this post we will cover getting setup with Appium, interfacing with real devices, writing and running Appium […]

Testing Charts using GPT-4 with Vision model

This post builds upon my prior exploration of testing charts with Transformers using the Visual Question Answering approach. I had presented charts to Transformers models like Pix2Struct and matcha from Google (which were specifically trained on charts) and then queried with questions. The outcomes proved satisfactory when the charts were well-defined with clearly labeled data points. Now, with the recent […]

Investigation of the application deployed on Kubernetes

As a tester, we work with applications deployed on Kubernetes. That means, we need to know how to interact with various components of Kubernetes. But most online tutorials start with stuff that applies mostly to developers and DevOps engineers like install, writing deploy scripts, etc. Those are not really useful to testers, at least not directly. So, in this blog, […]

Build a semantic search tool using FAISS

This post provides an overview of implementing semantic search. Why? Because too often, we notice testers skip testing more complex features like autocomplete. This might be ok in most applications. But in domain specific applications, testing autocomplete capabilities of the product is important. Since testers can benefit from understanding implementation details, in this post, we will look at how autocomplete […]

Exploring Smart Contract Testing in DApps

At Qxf2, recently we began exploring blockchain technology to understand its potential applications and benefits in various industries. Our journey into testing DApps started with research and self-learning. We immersed ourselves in learning about Ethereum, the leading platform for developing DApps, and its ecosystem of tools and frameworks. Understanding the nuances of Solidity, the programming language for smart contracts, was […]