Python Appium tests on different Android versions

Problem: UI element identifiers are not consistent across mobile platforms. Mobile is eating the world. However mobile operating systems are not yet fully mature. For example, UI element identifiers change between versions of the same OS. They also look different across Android and iOS. This causes automation scripts to be brittle. We hit this problem recently. We were writing automation […]

Thank you, Selenium!

Selenium recently turned 10 years old. I want to point out a couple of under-appreciated contributions that Selenium has made towards my profession and my career. 1. Selenium makes testing memorable An under-appreciated aspect of Selenium tests are their inherent theatrical nature[1]. Testing performances rarely evoke positive emotion. Good testing is usually not memorable. Not many testing artifacts make testing […]

Appium tutorial: Execute Python tests on mobile devices

This Appium tutorial will show you how to run automated tests on a real physical device. We estimate skimming through this post will take you 10 minutes. We estimate working through this post, step by step, will take you about 90 minutes. In this post we will cover getting setup with Appium, interfacing with real devices, writing and running Appium […]

BrowserStack configuration for Selenium automation

BrowserStack has a number of useful configuration options. In this post, we will show you how to make your automated test runs to use specific configuration parameters of BrowserStack. We walk you through the steps needed to modify your existing automated test runs to use specific configuration parameters of BrowserStack. We assume you have a BrowserStack account. If not, please […]

Get started with BrowserStack: Part I

Problem: Maintaining infrastructure for Selenium cross browser checks is time consuming. At Qxf2 Services, we use Selenium and Python for UI testing of web applications. Recently, we evaluated using BrowserStack to run our automated checks against different browsers. BrowserStack gives you access to all desktop as well as mobile browsers anytime and from anywhere. It gives instant access to 300+ […]

Get started with TestNG

We wrote this post for testers who want to get started with TestNG. You will learn about some popular annotations used in TestNG. We also show you how to parameterize your automated checks. TestNG is a testing framework influenced from JUnit and NUnit but has some great features which makes it more powerful and easier to use. Some basic knowledge […]

Batman and Page Objects

Problem: The page object pattern is not yet understood by the average tester. To get the most out of this post, please read this post and then read at least one of the articles listed in the Holy further reading, Batman! section below. Why this post? There are many ways to write and maintain GUI automation tests. The most common […]