AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘load_dotenv’

I needed to use the dotenv module in Python. I tried the usual pip install dotenv Wohoo! I was able to import dotenv without any trouble. It was easy enough to install. Python is so intuitive, right? Well, not in this one case. When I ran my script, I kept getting the error: dotenv.load_dotenv(os.path.join(MY_CURRENT_PATH,’.env’)) AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute […]

Expertise and the people component

Key takeaway: Consider thinking about how the personalities of your colleagues and their inter-personal relations influence the work you do. I had been a chess addict for most of my life. A few years ago, I decided to give up playing chess altogether. Chain smokers looking to break the smoking addiction often take refuge in nicotine patches. Poker became my […]

Cool things I read this week (14-Dec-2014)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics includes the biography of a doctor, a DHH career AMA, a Bruce Eckel commencement address, Amazon’s editorial policies and a cool snake video. 1. Ignaz Semmelweis: A doctor that went mad trying to change the medical establishment 2. DHH career AMA 3. […]

Cool things I read this week (07-Dec-2014)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics include thoughts on individual mood on a team, visualizing test cases, coding becoming an essential skill, learning to fire employees and the most epic trolling I have seen. 1. Influence of individual moods on teams 2. Visualizing test cases 3. Obama becomes […]

Cool things I read this week (30-Nov-2014)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics include Internet comments, working remote, CERN, rands on the QA mindset and funny tweet. 1. Comments on Selenium going open-source (2004) 2. Yet another piece on working remote 3. CERN AMA 4. rands and the QA mindset 5. Funny tweet that hit […]

Thank you, Selenium!

Selenium recently turned 10 years old. I want to point out a couple of under-appreciated contributions that Selenium has made towards my profession and my career. 1. Selenium makes testing memorable An under-appreciated aspect of Selenium tests are their inherent theatrical nature[1]. Testing performances rarely evoke positive emotion. Good testing is usually not memorable. Not many testing artifacts make testing […]