Transition from College to Work

There are different phases in every student’s life. After graduation, the big changes gonna happen. Yes, It’s college to work life. This transition is challenging for many students as it can be more stressful and it is like stepping into a whole new world. Initially, it is quite uneasy to adopt a corporate routine because the corporate world is different from […]

State of Testing Survey: 2020

Howdy! Testers, we are excited to inform you that the State of Testing Survey 2020  is live now. Please do take part in the survey and help out the testing world to gain a better understanding of the state of testing.   Q.Why take this survey? A.Your opinion matters!!!.  Yes, your precious feedback contributes to the knowledge base, which then becomes the State of Testing report (2020). This is the biggest survey in […]

Converting test screenshots into Gif

When we run the tests using qxf2 page object model framework we capture the screenshots of the test run at certain steps using decorators Screenshots utility. Often, it is time-consuming to view each of these screenshots. We thought of adding a utility that can convert all this screenshot into a single Gif that is more convenient to use and debug any […]