The art of writing xpaths

Problem: Writing XPaths is hard and confusing when there are no unique identifiers XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language for selecting nodes from Document Object Models (DOM) like XML, HTML, etc. XPaths are frequently used with Selenium scripts to uniquely identify elements in page. This post is a descriptive tutorial on how to think about xpaths and write […]

Cross browser testing tools

Problem: Maintaining testing infrastructure for testing across different combinations of browser, browser version and platform is difficult and time consuming. Of late, there are many tools that help testers quickly spin up any combination of browser, browser version and platform. Below, we give a brief outline of some tools that we use at Qxf2 Services for doing cross browser testing. Cross […]

Running Selenium automation using Sauce Labs: Part 3

Problem: Different test runs require different configuration on Sauce Labs. In this post, we will show you how to make your automated test runs to use specific configuration parameters of Sauce Labs. TWEAKING SAUCE LABS CONFIGURATION Some nightly automated selenium checks that we run at Qxf2 Services need to be run only on specific browsers. Further some of our nightly […]

Running Selenium automation using Sauce Labs: Part I

Problem: Maintaining infrastructure for automated Selenium cross browser tests is time consuming. At Qxf2 Services, we use Selenium and Python for UI testing of web applications. Recently, we began using Sauce Labs to run our automated tests against different browsers. Sauce Labs cloud testing platform allows you to test web applications on 200+ browsers and platforms. They support the major […]

Python Mechanize – the missing manual

Problem: The online documentation for Mechanize in Python is lacking. Case in point, this question on stackoverflow remained unanswered until we added the answer. This post hopes to provide you with the key missing pieces. We love Python at Qxf2 Services. We chose the Mechanize module to test REST services and automate a lot of our test setup tasks by […]

A simple test runner for Windows

Problem: Developing a reliable test runner for your automation takes time. At Qxf2, we would rather spend our time improving the quality of the tests and making automated checks more robust. This post will show you a quick way to develop a test runner on Windows. Testing teams usually have many automated test scripts that execute one after the other. […]

CAS automated login

Does your application uses CAS for authentication? Unless your CAS server has already been configured to allow for scripted login, automating login for applications that use CAS could be tough. One way we automated the login operation for an application that uses CAS for authentication was to mimic the browser. Python is the language of choice at Qxf2 Services. To […]

Dropbox: Symbolic links on Windows

Dropbox is a neat little tool for automagically storing your data on the cloud and accessing them across different machines. At Qxf2 Services, we use a combination of Dropbox and Evernote to store and backup non-confidential data. I personally would use FolderGrid when I really *need* to share confidential files. All files stored under your designated Dropbox folder are synched […]