Do we have a helpful culture at work?

This post is to help folks measure if they have a helpful culture in their teams. We are sharing something we do to try and keep Qxf2 a fair place. In this post, we outline a metric called ‘help symmetry score’ that Qxf2 (a fully remote company) uses to figure out if we are nurturing a supportive environment. You might […]

Posting messages on a Skype group channel using Python

I recently wrote a script to post messages on Skype using Python. I used the excellent SkPy module. The module’s documentation is very good but examples on how to post messages to group chats was sparse. I had to muddle around, try things out with the Python interpreter and figure things out. In fact, I am not sure if I […]

Old SSL certificate being served by nginx

I had let the SSL certificate on one of my properties expire. I purchased a new certificate and installed it on the server. But the server seemed to still return the old, expired certificate. I had restarted the nginx service several times and yet nothing happened. I ended up spending an annoying amount of time on this issue as StackOverflow […]

Practice Python by fixing errors

You can now practice Python by fixing errors. We have created a GitHub repository with common errors that Python beginners are likely to make in their code. This is not meant for intermediate level of Python developers. The errors are super basic and laughably simple for intermediate users. We created only simple challenges so that beginners can develop the momentum […]

Exploring Wallaroo: Understanding state partitions with an example

This post is aimed at Wallaroo users who are looking to develop an intuitive understanding of state partitioning. Wallaroo is a framework that makes it easy to handle streaming data and write event processing applications quickly. Wallaroo already has a really nice example of state partitioning called alphabet_partitioned but it is missing a final step illustrating how partitioning helps when […]