Appium tutorial: Execute Python tests on mobile devices

This Appium tutorial will show you how to run automated tests on a real physical device. We estimate skimming through this post will take you 10 minutes. We estimate working through this post, step by step, will take you about 90 minutes. In this post we will cover getting setup with Appium, interfacing with real devices, writing and running Appium […]

BrowserStack configuration for Selenium automation

BrowserStack has a number of useful configuration options. In this post, we will show you how to make your automated test runs to use specific configuration parameters of BrowserStack. We walk you through the steps needed to modify your existing automated test runs to use specific configuration parameters of BrowserStack. We assume you have a BrowserStack account. If not, please […]

Mobile automation: Run Appium tests on Sauce Labs

Problem: Maintaining infrastructure for testing your mobile applications on different platforms and browser versions is time consuming. Why this post? This post was written for the hands on tester looking to explore different tools testers can use for mobile automation. In this post we will show you how to run your Appium tests on Sauce Labs. We estimate that you […]