Optimize running large number of tasks using Dask

I want to share my experience of using Dask tasks and certain best practices/optimizations I implemented. Having some prior understanding about Dask is required to follow along. For implementing parallelism, I used Dask futures, one of the Dask collections. I referred Dask best practices on how to improve performance and incorporated some of them to my project. Hope you find […]

Visualize chess heatmap using Dask and Coiled

I used Dask and Coiled to make some Python code I had written run in parallel. In this blog, I have described the approach used for implementing parallelism using Dask running on a coiled cluster. I had developed a Python program to generate control heatmap images for chess games. A control heatmap (a term I made up!) shows how many […]

Deploying a web application using Kubernetes

This post outlines the steps I followed in deploying a website in Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a platform for automating deployment, scaling and management of our application across a cluster of hosts. It works with a different range of container tools and the one we will be using here is the popular Docker. I have divided the process into 3 main […]

Run python behave from Visual Studio Code

I was working at a client that uses behave and was primarily designed to work on Linux systems. It has several configuration variables stored as environmental variables. I tried running the behave tests on Windows using Visual Studio Code since I wanted debugging functionality. I documented the steps so that it will help anyone who wants to try the same. […]