Auto-generate requirements.txt file using pipreqs

At Qxf2, we love Python. We use Python on multiple projects and as per our requirements, we install multiple modules. But, I found it difficult to create a requirements.txt file for specific projects manually. So I searched for a tool/technique to generate a requirement.txt file. I come across the pipreqs package, which generates a requirement.txt file based on the import statements of the project. I like it because it is helpful in maintaining the requirements file, easy to use and saves me a lot of time.


To get setup with the pipreqs, you need to install the pipreqs package using the following command.

pip install pipreqs


Usage of the pipreqs is very easy. You just need to provide the root location of your project and the pipreqs automatically generate a requirements.txt file in root folder. Use the following command for usage.

pipreqs /path/to/project

The following Fig. 1 shows a snapshot of how I generated a requirements.txt file for our Qxf2’s public POM.

Fig.1 pipreqs to auto generate a requirement.txt file

The content of auto-generated requirement.txt:



Pipreqs uses imports of projects to generate a requirements.txt file. So, it is very important to note that, pipreqs will not include the plugins required for specific projects. You need to add plugins information manually in a requirement.txt.

In our case, I need to add pytest-xdist plugin details in a requirement.txt file manually.

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