Transition from College to Work

There are different phases in every student’s life. After graduation, the big changes gonna happen. Yes, It’s college to work life. This transition is challenging for many students as it can be more stressful and it is like stepping into a whole new world. Initially, it is quite uneasy to adopt a corporate routine because the corporate world is different from […]

Cool things I read this week (22-Feb-2015)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics include Feynman on chess and science, a David Snowden blog post, a bug that ended a relationship, thoughts on WordPress and a cartoon. 1. Feynman on chess and science 2. Describe. Don’t evaluate 3. A bug that ended a relationship 4. Where […]

Cool things I read this week (15-Feb-2015)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics include the importance of communication in reducing error, a Elon Musk interview, Paul Graham on maker and manager schedules, Bayes theorem explained with legos and surprising post by Richard Branson. 1. John Nance on the importance of communication 2. Elon Musk interview […]

Cool things I read this week (08-Feb-2015)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics include thoughts from experts on different aspects of making good software, a site for canned emails, an interview with Karpov and an image from when Microsoft developers enjoyed working on Windows. 1. Dave Snowden on software processes 2. Gerald Weinberg on the […]

Cool things I read this week (01-Feb-2015)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics are about testing, Apple, space exploration, science and a somewhat mathematical poem. 1. On the easy way and the fallacy of the simple 2. Apple’s original business plan 3. NASA mission to Europa! 4. Scott Adams on science and credibility 5. A […]

Cool things I read this week (25-Jan-2015)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics include Dave Thomas on the word ‘agile’ being subverted, deployment freezes and outages, a parable of two programmers, the rise of small businesses in the USA and a cartoon on anecdotal evidence. 1. Time to kill agile 2. Why deployment freezes do […]

Cool things I read this week (18-Jan-2015)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. I got back from a week long vacation. In my leisure, I spent time working on mathematics. This week’s topics are about mathematics and a cartoon. 1. Manjul Bhargava on mathematics and economic growth 2. Hamming on the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics 3. Are you […]

Cool things I read this week (14-Dec-2014)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics includes the biography of a doctor, a DHH career AMA, a Bruce Eckel commencement address, Amazon’s editorial policies and a cool snake video. 1. Ignaz Semmelweis: A doctor that went mad trying to change the medical establishment 2. DHH career AMA 3. […]

Cool things I read this week (07-Dec-2014)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics include thoughts on individual mood on a team, visualizing test cases, coding becoming an essential skill, learning to fire employees and the most epic trolling I have seen. 1. Influence of individual moods on teams 2. Visualizing test cases 3. Obama becomes […]

Cool things I read this week (30-Nov-2014)

I read. A lot. And I share the five best things I read every week. This week’s topics include Internet comments, working remote, CERN, rands on the QA mindset and funny tweet. 1. Comments on Selenium going open-source (2004) 2. Yet another piece on working remote 3. CERN AMA 4. rands and the QA mindset 5. Funny tweet that hit […]