In my previous blog, I have provided the details of how to set up Raspberry Pi in headless mode and how to SSH into the system. But sometimes we need to access desktop as per project requirement. For example, the user may want to see the graph of production done at the XYZ industry. So we need to set up […]
Setup Remote Access for Raspberry Pi using VNC
Setup Raspberry Pi headlessly without any external mouse, keyboard and display
Beginners find it confusing to set up the Raspberry Pi from scratch. There are many tutorials that show each individual steps in detail but not many of them have a list of all the individual steps together. I also come across the same problem and come up here with the solution. I hope this post is helpful to you. Components To setup […]
Simulate hardware devices and switches for testing
Why and Who is this POST for? There can be situations where QA or Developers need real hardware devices for suppose when developers need to test their code or when QA has to do end to end testing with it. I am one of those QA’s who was wondering how to simulate the hardware devices like linux machine, cisco routers and […]