Compare json objects in AWS S3 bucket using deepdiff

Recently, I got a chance to work on the AWS S3 bucket, where I compared the JSON files stored in the S3 bucket with the pre-defined data structure stored as a dictionary object using deepdiff. I can’t actually replicate, the entire system, I had tested. For the blog purpose I have come up with the following prerequisites/setup/flow: Pre-requisite: 1. AWS […]

Returning repeatable data patterns from a HTTP endpoint

In this post, I outline a technique to create repeatable data patterns that I have used when testing algorithms that operate on streaming data. Imagine an API endpoint that returns the value of a real time metric. Examples of such metrics would be CPU load or stock price or the glucose levels of a patient. An application integrating with such […]

Filter Messages from the AWS SQS Queue using Python and asyncio

In message-oriented architectures, it is cumbersome for QA to gain visibility into where their test messages are flowing. Visibility usually involves looking at some browser-based monitor (AWS SQS Queue) and/or monitoring logs that might not even have the data QA wishes to check. Amazon Simple Queue Service(SQS), is a message queuing services, that allows user to send,receive, store and delete […]