Qxf2 wants to help testers. We think it is the best way to build our brand and showcase our work. We do a decent job of helping experienced testers get started with tools. But we do a lousy job of helping fresh graduates. So one of our goals over the next several months is to conduct paid internship programs that […]
Things freshers believe about a career in testing
Urllib’s urlencode: The weird case of %22 and %27
When I was doing some API testing using Python Mechanize, I struck an internal server error. I tried to find the root cause of the error and I realized that Python’s urllib is doing something weird when encoding strings. It is replacing double quotes with single quotes. I spent more than hour to debug this issue before I realized what […]
An analogy to understand web APIs
I noticed many testers with no knowledge of web APIs do not have an easy way to start learning about them. Most tutorials directly dive into the technical details of how to use APIs as part of writing automated checks. I wanted to provide an easy analogy for APIs that will set you up to explore this topic further. DISCLAIMER: […]