Technical growth is one of the key factors to the success of any company. An organization that intends to stay competitive and relevant will make every effort to adapt to the latest technological trends. Let’s take a look back at how technical Qxf2 was in 2021 and the growth we had.
In this blog, we will try to uncover the most frequently used tech stacks, the most popular technologies, technologies that we employed at our clients, and technologies used for various internal projects at Qxf2 in 2021. We will also take a peek at the technologies that have seen a significant increase in usage compared to the previous year as well as technologies that have seen a steady decrease in usage.
Most frequently used technologies of 2021
The following bar graph and word cloud represent the top 15 technologies that we used most frequently at Qxf2. In other words, technologies that were reported the most number of times in 2021.

As expected Python was the most used tech in 2021 as well, followed by AWS lambda. Thanks to the various microservices-related projects we worked on.
Most frequently used programming language: Python
Most frequently used database: Neo4j
Most frequently used webframework: React
Most popular technologies of 2021
This is not the same as the most used technologies, because one individual can use the same tech many times. Instead, the following bar graph and word cloud illustrate the most widely used technologies amongst the employees.

Thanks to the Newsletter app group project, Python was once again the most widely used tech, followed by MySQL.
Most popular programming language: Python
Most popular database: MySQL
Most popular webframework: Flask
Technologies reported by folks working on clients
The following word cloud shows the technologies reported by folks who were working on clients in 2021
A comparison of top 5 technologies between 2020 and 2021
In this section we will try to compare the technology trends at Qxf2 between 2020 and 2021.

New technologies

Technologies used for internal Projects
We worked on a wide variety of internal projects in 2021. In this section, we will take a look at the technologies that were used for these projects. The projects will be divided into three main sections: Microservices projects, IOT Projects, and Other miscellaneous projects.
To get details on the individual projects we did, please refer to the following blog post What tech did Qxf2 work on in 2021
Microservices projects
Microservice architecture is definitely one of the hottest topics in the IT industry. We worked on a variety of microservices-related internal projects last year with the use of tech stacks like AWS Lambda, CloudWatch, and more. The following is a word cloud representation of technologies that we used for these projects.
IOT projects
The Internet of Things (IoT) has progressed from science fiction to necessity in recent years. From smart automobiles to healthcare systems, it has impacted nearly every business and area of our life. We too worked on a few IOT projects in 2021. The following is a word cloud representation of the technologies that we used for these projects.
Other miscellaneous projects
We also worked on various miscellaneous projects making use of unique tech stacks like Dask, ReportPortal, React, Neo4j, and many more. The following is a word cloud representation of the tech stacks we used for these projects.

I hope this blog was useful in determining how technical Qxf2 was in 2021 and gives a clearer picture of the technical growth we had over the year.

I am a QA Engineer. I completed my engineering in computer science and joined Qxf2 as an intern QA. During my internship, I got a thorough insight into software testing methodologies and practices. I later joined Qxf2 as a full-time employee after my internship period. I love automation testing and seek to learn more with new experiences and challenges. My hobbies are reading books, listening to music, playing chess and soccer.