Do you want to test the function that uses AWS resources like DynamoDB? The Python moto module is very useful while patching AWS resources. This post will take you through, how we can mock DynamoDB with the help of moto. Here, we will be mocking a method that stores input data into a given DynamoDB table. The idea would be […]
Author: Rohit Prasad
I am a final year student in computer science stream. I have recently completed an Internship as a curriculum developer at Notchup, where the key responsibilities were to develop & maintain python curriculum plans from scratch. Currently doing internship as a Software Engineer Intern at Qxf2 Services. Here I learnt some of the trending tech like AWS, Automation & testing. I found Qxf2, as a great place to learn & explore for beginners like me. I fond of competitive coding, Cricket, Football, music & delicious foods.