I read. A lot. And I share the 5 best things I read every week. 1. Bloatware and the 80/20 myth 2. The best error message troll. Ever. 3. How Spring security hooks to CAS 4. The hazards of going on auto-pilot 5. Information immunity My notes 1. Bloatware and the 80/20 myth I needed to reread this article. Primarily […]
Cool things I read this week (07-Sep-2014)
JUint Asserts and Matchers
Problem: JUnit tutorials are often written by testers with a reasonable amount of unit checking expertise Why this post? There are plenty of JUnit tutorials available online. They are often written by testers with a reasonable amount of unit checking experience. The problem is that experts and beginners see things differently. I began noticing that beginners often read these JUnit […]
Implementing the Page Object Model (Selenium + Python)
UPDATE: We are retiring this post in favor of a newer post: Page Object Model (Selenium, Python) Please refer to the newer post. It has a more detailed architectural breakdown, provides many more code snippets and write an automated test for a very relatable application – Gmail. You could also visit our open-sourced Python + Selenium test automation framework based […]
Cool things I read this week (31-Aug-2014)
I read. A lot. And I share the 5 best things I read every week. My reading preference over the last week was somewhat random. 1. Tap on build number 7 times 2. Shortage of Python programmers in India 3. A case against sorting youth for mertiocracy 4. A cartoon on social media overload 5. American football games have 11 […]
Have you signed the petition to stop ISO 29119?
ISO 29119 wants a standardized approach to software testing. Every single tester at Qxf2 Services has signed the petition to stop ISO 29119. I am laying out some reasons for why we signed the petition to stop ISO-29119. I feel like this battle is shaping to be a tipping point in eradicating some common misconceptions about software testing. Please consider […]
JUnit: For beginners by a beginner
Problem: JUnit tutorials are often written by testers with a reasonable amount of unit checking expertise Why this post? There are plenty of JUnit tutorials available online. They are often written by testers with a reasonable amount of unit checking experience. The problem is that experts and beginners see things differently. I began noticing that beginners often read these JUnit […]
Get started with BrowserStack: Part I
Problem: Maintaining infrastructure for Selenium cross browser checks is time consuming. At Qxf2 Services, we use Selenium and Python for UI testing of web applications. Recently, we evaluated using BrowserStack to run our automated checks against different browsers. BrowserStack gives you access to all desktop as well as mobile browsers anytime and from anywhere. It gives instant access to 300+ […]
Cool things I read this week (24-Aug-2014)
I read. A lot. And I share the 5 best things I read every week. 1. The fake running store manager AMA 2. Directing vs Enabling in software development 3. Genius and late bloomers 4. Why robots may not take our jobs 5. Testers and developers think differently My notes My discussions with my colleagues about testing and its value […]
Testing and interviewing
Problem: Our non-tester colleagues tend to overestimate the importance of checking in a testing performance. Why this post? I have had to counter statements and field questions like: 1. It’s not in the requirements! 2. When can we release? 3. Have you fully tested the product? 4. Why don’t you just automate everything? These questions/misconceptions come from people overestimating the […]
Python unit tests using mock
Problem: Introductions to Python unit checking are too basic This post is for the hands on tester looking to practice their unit checking skills. Why this post? Unit checks are good. They play an important role in your regression suite. Online tutorials of Python unit checks invariably leave me wanting more. The examples covered are extremely basic. Further, these basic […]